Main products and services of Microcontrol Biotechnology
A professional technical team can help customers solve a variety of microbial problems! Advanced inspection equipment and perfect quality management system control every link of product production to ensure the stability of products.
Guangdong micro control Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in the R & D, production and sales of biotechnology. The main product types are generally fungicides, fungicides, preservatives, antibacterial agents, anti algae agents, cosmetic efficacy additives, plant extraction efficacy oils, water-based additives, water-based coatings, water-based adhesives and disinfectants
* It can provide customers with professional microbiological inspection services such as colony count experiment, anti-corrosion challenge experiment, anti mildew experiment and sterilization experiment
* It can provide customers with testing services for the content of free formaldehyde such as coatings, adhesives and daily chemical products, so as to avoid regulatory risks. Experiments can be carried out according to the following standards
* It can provide "physical examination" testing service of environmental sanitation for the production environment of the customer's factory:
* It can provide customers with the service of detecting preservative residues in products:
* It can provide customers with technical support services such as formula.
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